In a report by Bangkok Biz News, Labor Minister Jatumongkol Sonakul said that there will be strict inspection of establishment employing foreigners this year targeting aliens working without proper visa and work permits.
The Ministry of Labor will be coordinating with Royal Thai Police and the Provincial Administration.
According to the Director-General of the Department of Employment , Mr. Suchart Phonchaiwisetkun of the Ministry of Labor, “Aliens who work without a work permit will be fined from 5,000 to 50,000 baht and will be deported. Employers who employ foreigners without a work permit are punishable by a fine of 10,000-100,000 baht per person. Repeat offenders will be imprisoned for no more that one year or fined from 50,000 to 200,000 baht or both. Employers will be prohibited from hiring foreigners for three years.”
The public is urged to report offenders to the Central Employment and Job
Seeker Protection Division Department of Employment Tel. 0 2354 1729 or
Bangkok Employment Office Area 1-10 or at the Provincial Employment Office in
every province. Or call the Ministry of Labor hotline 1506 press 2.
Bangkok Biz News