pinoy thaiyo bangkok community help foundation
Public Service

Oxygen equipment badly needed for Covid-19 patients in home isolation

As Thailand is going through the worst wave of Covid-19 the pressure on the hospital system has been mounting to an unbearable level. Hospitals are struggling to take care of the current Covid-19 patients and are not able to receive any other patients.

The strategy of Thailand was always to heal every Covid-19 patient in the hospital, but the plan has now shifted to home isolation where people are encouraged and supported to isolate themselves at home and only request for hospitalization in urgent cases.

Lack of oxygen in home isolation 

Many elderly and patients with underlying diseases are struggling to stay home as Covid-19 is entering their lungs, dropping their oxygen saturation levels resulting in life-threatening situations.

As patients wait for hospital beds to free up, being on oxygen is critical as it extends the lifetime of patients. Without the proper equipment, these patients will die at home, alone, not being able to breathe.

Bangkok Community Help Foundation

The Bangkok Community Help Foundation (BCHF) has been supporting these patients with oxygen concentrators and oxygen tanks directly to their homes.

The Foundation is urgently looking for oxygen concentrators, oxygen tanks, and oxygen regulators to keep up with the demand of patients at home.

These equipment are keys in saving the lives of the people who are desperately waiting at home for their turn to be properly treated in the hospital.

The Foundation delivers and administers this oxygen all over Bangkok with its team of front-line volunteers risking their own health to improve the health of others.

Your help is needed

Whether big or small your donation will benefit patients a lot. Here’s a list of badly needed equipment:

A 40 liters oxygen tank + regulator is 5,500 baht 

An  electric oxygen concentrator ranges from 15,000 to 25,000 baht

You can help save lives by donating to the Foundation by using the details below. 

Bangkok Community Help Foundation (มูลนิธ แบงค็อก คอมมูนิตี้ เฮลป์) 

Bangkok Bank: 105-5-06287-9 

If you want to donate the equipment directly, you may reach out to them via any of their social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter 

You may also send your donation through the online fundraising campaign with this link: