1,538 out of 3,046 passed the Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination and 31 out of 87 passed the Certified Plant Mechanic Licensure Examination
MANILA-The Professional Regulations Commission announced on Thursday, 28 February 2019 that 1,538 out of 3,046 passed the Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination and 31 out of 87 passed the Certified Mechanic Licensure Examination given this month by the Board of Mechanical Engineering in Baguio, Cebu, Manila, and Tacloban.
The Board of Mechanical Engineering was composed of Engr. Jesus M. Redelosa, Chairman; Engr. Jerico T. Borja and Engr. Lorenzo P. Larion, members.
Results were released in just three working days after the last day of examination.
Jayson De Torres Perez, a graduate of University of Batangas topped this year’s Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination with a rating of 92.40%.
According to Commission Resolution No. 2017-1058 (C) series of 2017, the following are the successful examinees who made it to the top ten highest places:

Meanwhile the successful examinees who garnered the two (2) highest places in the February 2019 Certified Plant Mechanic Licensure Examination are the following:

In the same resolution, PRC identified the top performing schools in the February 2019 Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination as follows:

To access the full list of board passers follow this link:
Source: www.prc.gov.ph