
WATCH: This historian thinks a four-day work week could solve all our problems

The Annual Meeting of World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland featured psychologist Adam Grant from Wharton School in Pennsylvania and historian Rutger Bregman, author of Utopia for Realists both forwarded the idea that “working less would have a range of benefits for workers and employers and the world should embrace the four-day working week.”

“I think we have some good experiments showing that if you reduce work hours, people are able to focus their attention more effectively, they end up producing just as much, often with higher quality and creativity, and they are also more loyal to the organisations that are willing to give them the flexibility to care about their lives outside of work.” said Grant.

Four day work week or 3 day weekends could make people happier and more productive according to several studies. A study in New Zealand found out that a four-day work week increased teamwork and work engagement while decreasing workers’ stress.

Source: World Economic Forum