The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) invites all Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) to join their iFWD PH Program.
Get a chance to be assisted in step-by-step training in business ideation, training on advance business concepts, innovation-focused mentorship and innovation funding opportunity to bring your project to life!
In a DOST Facebook post, the iFWD PH (Innovations for Filipinos Working Distantly from the Philippines) provided by the DOST aimed to assist OFWS to manage their business anchored on science, technology and innovation. If your idea is good enough and ready, DOST might even fund your business based on their given criteria. Funding may include innovation funding and technical advisory and consultancy.
Interested individuals must apply online through the iFWD PH Portal (, fill out the online assessment form ( or download and personally fill out the offline assessment form for OFWs ( and for OFW Families (
Email with your completed requirements which includes
1. Accomplished Assessment Form, if filled out offline,
2. Copy of Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) of OFW
3. Training Certificates (if available)
Use the email subject:
[Region] iFWDPH25Batch1_Reqs_Last Name
Example: [NCR] iFWDPH25Batch1_Reqs_Dela Cruz
Finally, a DOST staff will contact all applicants via email and SMS to provide updates on the status of the OFW’s application, and schedule of iFWD PH activities.
Hurry! Deadline is on 28 February, 2025 (Friday)