
Bangkok’s Batman gone rogue?

Bangkok’s Batman is for real!

Photos of the Dark Knight seemingly being apprehended by the police went viral over the weekend, at least in Thailand.

Did the Caped Crusader go mad on streets of Bangkok? Are there collateral damages in pursuit of criminals? Traffic violation? None of these.

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The superhero has denied being apprehended by the police as suggested in the photo. He claimed that while he was on his way to Ratchadamnoen Road to distribute water to the cyclists at the Bike for Dad event, the police only stopped him for questioning at the security booth. The police even asked him for selfies, he added.

Pol. Somchai Jaisuk of Buppharam of police department confirmed that there is no charge or complaint filed against Batman, and he was only stopped for a chat because… well, he’s Batman.

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This 29-year-old superhero disguises himself as a toy store owner in daytime. He is hanging out once a week with the rest of the gangs such as Spiderman, Superman and Captain America to give smile and cheers in the mean streets of Bangkok.

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Have you seen him roaming around Bangkok with his Batmobile or Batbike? Share us your selfie with him if you got the chance!

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Source: tnamcot.com