Mr Ponchai Pornsirigosol Cebu Pacific

Free Flights from Cebu Pacific for Independence Day Celebration

Cebu Pacific joined Filipinos in Thailand in celebrating the 117th Philippine Independence Day. Two round-trip tickets were given away as major raffle prizes to two lucky winners who attended the celebration at the Philippine Embassy grounds on Sunday.

The two lucky winners who received free tickets were Mr. Efren Villanueva and Ms. Angie Dela Rosa. The prizes were handed by Mr. Ponchai Pornsirigosol, Managing Director of Thai Sky NTT Tours Co., Ltd. which operates Cebu Pacific Thailand.

When asked about his views regarding Filipinos in Thailand, Mr. Ponchai said, “We love Filipinos. Filipinos and Thais are like brothers and we are family.”

Mr. Ponchai Pornsirigosol
Mr. Ponchai Pornsirigosol enjoying the mini-basketball fun at PHL Embassy grounds.

Also present at the event was Ms. Kannika Aviruth, Vice President of Cebu Pacific Thailand. She also stressed her hopes for a long-standing friendship between the Philippines and Thailand.