Buhay OFW

Honorary Consul invites Filipinos to showcase Philippine products at LANNA Expo 2016

Honorary Consul Agkarajit Phanomvan na Ayudhya is inviting Filipino retail merchandisers and sellers of Philippine products to join the LANNA EXPO 2016 on June 30 to July 3 at Chiang Mai International Exhibition and Convention Centre, Chiang Mai.

“The Philippine Honorary Consulate is inviting Filipino individuals and sellers of Philippine products to assist to feature the Philippine showcase or sell their Philippine products during the EXPO. Contributions will be appreciated,” said in the invitation posted on the consulate Facebook page.

To those interested to join, you may contact Bengie (0850211564), Jeulo (0903247225), or your community leader.

The Honorary Consulate has consular jurisdictions over nine provinces in the North of Thailand. These include the provinces of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Lamphun, Mae Hong Son, Nan, Phayao, Phrae, and Uttaradit.