Teddys weekly trivia

March on this Songkran to Teddy’s Bigger Burgers

Jump and leap for joy as Teddy’s Bigger Burgers gives away 500 baht worth of vouchers every week until Songkran (April 16, 2016).

How well do you know Teddy’s Bigger Burgers? Let your knowledge be put to test. Enter our raffle draw and get the chance to win.

Each week, PinoyThaiyo will release a trivia question on its website. Watch out for it and make sure to enter your answer with only the LETTER of your choice in the website’s comment box. The lucky weekly winner’s name will be announced at www.PinoyThaiyo.com.

Are you ready to march on and celebrate Songkran 2016 with Teddy’s Aloha Burger, Teddy’s Original Burger, or Teddy’s Cheese Burger? Good luck!