Filipino Brand Lucky Me! Pancit Canton Kalamansi flavor ranks top 16 in the best noodles, alongside Indomie’s Mie Goreng and Nongshim’s Neoguri Spicy Seafood, as published under the Wirecutter section in January.
In an article written by, New York Times supervising editor Marilyn Ong said that “of all the noodles we’ve tested, the Pancit Canton Kalamansi disappeared from the bowl the fastest.” Although the serving is on the smaller side, the writer is all praises for the noodle variant for its “dry seasoning, soy sauce, and oil packets” that “combine to produce a nuanced blend of light soy and fresh, aromatic citrus.”
“I definitely called them ‘cute’ while eating them”, as she described the noodles which are “skinny and extra-curly”.
The list was based on a rotating panel of taste-testers on Wirecutter’s kitchen team, who have tried over 45 ramen varieties since 2020. Ong further says that the items that they tried were recommendations given by cookbook authors, ramen reviewers, ramen-shop owners and even the president of Sun noodle.