Watch “Last Night” at Coliseum Cineplex Phuket on Sunday
For reservation, please contact Ms Maan Cambonga Sasa or PM Filipino Films in Thailand Facebook page.

For reservation, please contact Ms Maan Cambonga Sasa or PM Filipino Films in Thailand Facebook page.
Filipino movie “Last Night” will be screened at Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University e-Library in Phitsanulok at 10:00 am.
Loud cheers and giggles can be heard inside the cinema for every “kilig” scene in the movie starred by Toni Gonzaga and Piolo Pascual.
A representative from ABS-CBN Global and The Filipino Channel also came to support the event.
The movie “Last Night” starring Piolo Pascual and Toni Gonzaga is the first Filipino movie to be screened in a Thai cinema.
All movies will not be allowed to screen in a cinema without the approval from the Film and Video Censorship Committee which is located at the Thailand Cultural Centre in Bangkok.
“Last Night” is a dark romantic-comedy movie starring Toni Gonzaga and Piolo Pascual, produced by Star Cinema, written by Bela Padilla and directed by Ms. Joyce Bernal.
Reserve and buy your tickets now through the Filipino Films in Thailand Facebook page or contact an authorized reseller.
You can help PinoyThaiyo in deciding whether to bring the movie to Thailand or not. At the ticket price of 250 baht, will you watch the movie with other Pinoy movie lovers? Please TYPE YES or NO in the comment section.