Buhay OFW

Airports of Thailand to launch a smartphone app for travellers on August 6

Airports of Thailand Plc (AoT) will launch a smartphone app to provide travellers with check-in and baggage information, product discounts and hotel and taxi reservation services on August 6, Bangkok Post reported.

AOT Digital Platform app would have real-time data on flight and relevant services on their smartphones, including suggested routes to avoid traffic jams near airports, said AoT president Nitinai Sirismathakarn.

Reservations for parking spaces, passenger lounges and taxis as well as discounts on foods, beverages, services and products at participating airports in other countries will all be available via the app, he added.

“In the future, new and old passengers will be clearly distinguished. New passengers will have all their data on their mobile phones. Old passengers will walk to screens to read flight information and go to check-in counters,” Mr Nitinai said.

Munich and Narita airports are providing data for the AoT app, and five European airports will follow suit in the near future, he said.

About five large financial institutions have joined the app, including Bangkok Bank, Kasikornbank and Krungthai Bank, he said.

Read more at Bangkok Post.
Photo: TravelWeeklyAsia