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For inquiries, you may call 022962345 or contact Jezreel Llanera, PinoyThaiyo founder and Krungsri’s marketing partner. You may also join Krungsri Western Union ONLINE/ATM for daily exchange rate.
The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok will be closed on the 14th, 21st and 28th to observe different holidays in August.
The former Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Atty. Perfecto Yasay led the 127 graduates of Philippine Christian University (PCU) in Bangkok on July 9, 2017.
A 25-year old Filipina teacher died after suffering from heart failure on Wednesday, August 2, 2017.
Here’s the complete post on the Embassy website about the outreach.
Will you watch Filipino films in Bangkok? Please join our survey by typing YES or NO in the comment section below.
AFT Khon Kaen will hold its 3rd Palaro at Khon Kaen Stadium on August 13, 2017.
Induction of FARTH officers will highlight the event. The theme of the party is masquerade.
Good news for all of foreigners in Ubon Ratchathani.
Her Excellency Ambassador Mary Jo Bernardo-Aragon has also confirmed her attendance to the Philippine Christian University (PCU) graduation today in Bangkok.
Here is the announcement posted on the Embassy website and Facebook page.
By the end of July, the long-dreaded Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) will be no more per announcement by Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III. This news came after allegations of corruption in the agency surfaced in April 2017, thus the temporary halt of the issuance of the said certificates. Instead of OEC, the Labor Secretary […]
The newly implemented Foreign Workers Act of 2017 that came into effect last week, June 23, has faced criticism among employers and likewise created tension among migrant workers due to its alleged severe and unfair punishment. Accordingly, Employment Department Director General Waranon Pitiwan said on Thursday that a “grace period” will be first given […]
The presence of the Honorable Vice Governor of Trat, Dr. Prathan Surakitbovorn; Director Piriya Eakpiyakul of Trattrakarnkhun School; and Director Sanan of Trat Provincial Office have made the Opening Ceremony more dignified as they expressed their meaningful support to the organization.
The 3rd FCLC will be held in October and high-ranking officials from DFA, OWWA and POEA are expected to attend.
The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok will be closed on Monday, June 26.