Buhay OFW

October 14 is a holiday

October 14, 2019 is a national holiday all over Thailand. This marks the passing of the late His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej who died on October 13, 2016.

The Philippine Embassy in Bangkok will also be closed on October 14.

October 14 (Monday)
Substitution for King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Memorial Day 

Consular-related links (such as requirements for renewal of passport, “red ribbon”, report of birth, report of marriage, etc) can be found in our website http://bangkokpe.dfa.gov.ph/

Consular-related questions will only be entertained if sent to bkkpe.consular@gmail.com or bangkokpe.consular@dfa.gov.ph


Photo: UNFPA