Arturo Basilan Jr. worked as an OFW teacher in Thailand for four years, with the recent one in the northern part of Thailand. On January 25, he started experiencing chest pain, heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, and other painful symptoms which significantly affected his teaching job and life overall.
A series of medical tests were done to find the exact cause of the pain and malady. In the process, Art became weaker and the cost of his hospitalization drained him financially. His morale became so low since anxiety and depression crept in as well.
In February this year, he decided to quit his job and go back home to his elderly parents in Digos, Davao, Philippines, sensing that his life might come to an end soon.
But Teacher Art continues to fight for his life. He was brought to the Medical Center of Digos Cooperative in Davao City for another series of tests, and finally, a diagnosis came out on September 14.
He is suffering from intense gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and noninvasive treatments no longer help, thus, a Nissen fundoplication surgical operation needs to be carried out. A quick googling for the said operation ranges from US$9,000-$30,000 depending on the medical facility and other factors.
Teacher Art found a cheaper option in Baguio City, Philippines which is hundreds of miles away from his place in Davao, around two days journey if by land and sea travel.
Nissen fundoplication procedure needs a special surgical machine for a safer option instead of an open operation. The available one in Baguio General Hospital Medical Center (BGHMC) is currently broken and the medical facility is waiting for a replacement.
While Art is waiting, he is asking for help from anyone who is kindhearted and willing. He believes that once the operation is done his life will get back its vigor and that he can work again to help his elderly parents.
Art is only 26 years old and has better plans for his life. Your prayers and financial aid will definitely help Art fulfill his dreams and pass through these current difficulties.
You may send your financial support to Art to his bank account:
Krungthai Bank
Arturo N. Basilan Jr.
You may contact him through his mobile number [09694396152] and Facebook account (Arthur Art)
To Teacher Art, keep the faith and be strong because “one day everything will be okay”. (We saw that post on your Facebook wall)

Art’s photos while he was still working in Thailand.