Public Service

Wear this shirt and help little Gabgab for his surgical expenses

It was December 2007 when he experienced his first major surgical heart operation at a very early age of 3 months due to patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) condition. He has survived, and lives happily like any kids around.

Nine years after, he is facing another major challenge in his young age.

He is the shy type. Silent yet a happy and courteous boy. I never saw him bullying nor making fun of others. You can see him enjoying his own life in a little corner with whatever he has, cheerfully contented.

Much to our surprise, him being quiet must be because of another battle in his life that he has since birth. Nobody knew that he has it until recently.

He complained of “tummy aches” and could hardly poop, until that complaint turned into groaning.

His name is Gabgab Casano. He was diagnosed with Hirschsprung Disease. It is “a condition that affects the large intestine (colon) and causes problems with passing stool as a result of missing nerve cells in the muscles of the patient’s colon.” This condition is present at birth (congenital) as it might not be detected until later in childhood according to Mayo Clinic site.

And so, on November 21st of 2016 he was admitted in The Medical City Hospital for series of tests until a colostomy was inevitable. He was in ICU for a couple of days.

Gabgab being comforted by his dad before the colostomy procedure.
Gabgab being comforted by his dad before the colostomy procedure.

Colostomy is “a surgical operation in which a piece of the colon is diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall so as to bypass a damaged part of the colon”, according to

Three weeks after, he was released from the hospital after much negotiations of the parents with the hospital financial team since bills went up to Php 411,875.00.

In this situation that they never imagined to happen, the family is still thankful to God for using people (such as the medical team, relatives, and friends) for helping Gabgab.

Gabgab still needs to visit the hospital twice a week or as needed to change the waste bag. All these are mere temporary solutions (or could possibly be a lifetime situation).

Further, the doctor scheduled a colostomy takedown after two months (January 2017). The Hirschsprung operation can be done at the same time. Indeed, another uphill battle for Gabgab, and the finances he needs.

His loving parents and family are in fundraising activities since then. Friends and supporters in Bangkok have decided to organize a “T-shirt for Gab-gab” Facebook Event page so that anyone can extend their help to this little fellow.

Below are sample designs of the high quality cotton shirts they are selling for 300 baht a piece, with 100% of the proceeds go to Gabgab’s surgical expenses.


As much as fund is needed, prayers for total healing, courage, and hope for Gabgab and his family mean so much to them.

You too can help. The shirt that you will be wearing is a token of your care to others. Let us begin our year with a generous heart for the people who need it most. Please visit the “T-shirt for Gabgab’s surgical expenses” Facebook Event page for details.