
Energy Ministry to propose free, discounted electricity during COVID-19 crisis

The Energy Ministry will propose to the cabinet tomorrow further domestic electricity fee cuts, to help cushion the impact on the public of business closures and working from home, reported Thai PBS World.

Energy Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong said Monday that he will propose that households which consume less than 150 units of electricity a month, with 5 amp meters, would be exempted from electricity fees.

Households with meters exceeding 5 amps and consuming under 800 units per month will be charged 50%, and those that consume more than 3,000 units will be given a 30% discount.

Mr. Sontirat said that about 20 million households would benefit from the proposed measure, and those who have already paid their bills for the month of March will be able to ask for refund from the Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), in case of Bangkok, and the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), in the provinces.

Read more at Thai PBS World

Photo: EGAT