ADRA is a non-profit organization based in Maryland, USA. They have several country offices in different parts of the world. ADRA Thailand’s main office is located in Chiang Mai. If you wish to get involved with some of their projects please visit their website for more information at https://adrathailand.org/.
One of ADRA’s campaigns is called “Every Child. Everywhere. In School.” It is a petition that no matter what age, race, religion, gender, or origin, each child has the right to a complete an education.
Having worked for ADRA Guinea for sometime, I have seen this first hand. The farmers would want their children to work in the farms rather than get an education. The parents can’t afford to send their children to school just like in the movie that was based on a true story, “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.“
Most of us Filipinos here in Thailand are working as teachers. It would be nice to have another William Kamkwamba who’s parents weren’t able to afford to send their children to school. After several obstacles and perseverance, William successfully created an affordable solution to power electricity in his community and neighboring areas.
If you wish to find out more about this petition or how to get more involved with this petition, please visit the campaign’s website.
“Every Child. Everywhere. In School.”