
St Robert’s opens summer courses

If you desire to expand your learning experience, or simply wish to take it a step higher by obtaining your masters or doctorate degree for an affordable yet quality education, St Robert’s Group of Companies is now accepting enrollees for academic year 2017-2018.

St Robert’s Global Education will be holding an orientation on May 13, 2017 to discuss important matters if you wish to enroll with them. St Robert’s offers diploma in teaching for the following courses: Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) Major in English, Masters of Arts in Education (MAEd) Major in Educational Administration, Major in Guidance and Counseling, Major in Maths, Science and English, and Major in Early Childhood Education.

St Robert’s also offers Masters in Management (MM) Major in Educational Management, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Management, Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Management. Aside from education units, they also offer Master of Business Administration and Doctor of Business Administration.

Act fast as their summer term starts in June. Enrollment starts from April 17 up to May 31.

If you have any concerns, freely contact them at (02) 656-31-59, at mobile number (66) 827-055-619, (66) 962-434-530; or send them an email at for further information.

St Robert’s Global Education is located at 120.194 Ratchaprarop Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand.